Thursday, December 15, 2011

Live long and prosper!

Greer is mesmerized by the nerdament display

Conversation at our house this morning:

Me: "OK, let's get those nerdaments, I mean, ornaments turned on and under Alex's tree."

Matt: "Alright, I'm plugging them in."

A jumble of flashing lights, talking voices, phaser sounds ensue.

Me: "Wow, that sounds like the inside of a Star Trek convention, or what I imagine it would because I would never, ever set foot inside of one..."

I proceed to drape the nerdaments* (be sure to read the story about the nerdaments) under the tree and set up the Klingon sign for the number 10.

Matt: "Hey, you can't have the Star Wars ornament next to the Klingon sign!"

Me: "What's the difference? They are basically the same thing!"

Matt: "They don't speak Klingon in any of the Star Wars movies. Here, put the USS Enterprise ornament over there so Star Trek is properly represented."

Me: "Oh, I forgot, the fan base for Star Wars is soooo much cooler than the Trekkies/Trekkers, they don't need to invent a fake language for their fans to speak in."

Matt: "No, but some of them DID invent a Star Wars religion, which is just as creepy!"

Me: "Touche. Now, set your phasers to stun!"

*Awhile back, I coined the term "Nerdaments" to accurately describe these lovelies. You can read about it here.

Alex's table: where Star Wars and Star Trek co-exist peacefully

"Luke, I am your Secret Santa!"

Yeah...that's the number 10 in Klingon. Don't ask where I found it, because I never, ever, plan to boldly go there again!

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