Thursday, February 02, 2012

Dennis Hopper cake

On Tuesday, Alex came down with his first ever ear infection. Because of my awesome parenting skills in somehow mananging to keep him from getting an ear infection in over five years, I decided to celebrate with a cake. Or, it was really to cheer up our poor little guy. I saw on dirty, addictive, time-suck Pinterest a recipe for a blue velvet cake and knew that I had to make it.
Kind of like eating the Cookie Monster, no?
Now, I love red velvet cake. It's one of those fun kind of cakes to make, and it always looks cool. I had to try to the blue velvet version, and it didn't disappoint. It's basically the exact same ingredients as a red velvet, but with blue food coloring in place of the red. And, as an added bonus, after eating it, you'll notice an interesting side effect...and it's not the ability to use the F word as a noun, verb, adjective and adverb, drink Pabst Blue Ribbon or listen to Roy Orbison songs.

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