Saturday, March 07, 2009

FISHBRAI '09 First Stop: Sacred Heart

We hit the Sacred Heart fish fry last night as the first stop on the FISHBRAI 2009 tour. SC holds their fish fry in the school cafeteria. Cost is $7 for adults, kids 3 and under are free. We did have to wait in line, but it was worth it. You had the choice of fried or baked cod, cheese pizza, baked potato or french fries and coleslaw. Drinks were water, lemonade and coffee. A bake sale provided desserts for an additional cost - proceeds go to the church youth group.

I was kind of surprised that there were not as many families there, but lots of seniors. Everyone was very nice and the volunteers kept asking if we wanted more water and lemonade. The fried cod was great and was well seasoned, the baked version was good as well. The cheese pizza --- eh, not that fab, but it was more for the kids. Sides were solid and the desserts offered were fantastic. We got a bag of puppy chow for Alex to munch on while we waited in line for our food.

Our rating? It's hard because it's the first fish fry we've been to this year, so we are giving Sacred Heart a 3-4 BCs for "Delightfully Divine" (or 3.5 if you want to average it).

Next week: We travel to the South Side and try out Christ the King's fish fry!


Jen said...

OMG Fishbrai is the funniest thing I have ever heard. My husband is going to die. Let us know if you need a schedule for Holy Trinity. LOL!

Lincoln's Handler said...

Thanks - I'm such a nerd, I found the "official" list of fish frys on the DM Diocese web site. They even have a link to them! :)