Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Goin' to the chapel

Alex was the ring bearer in my cousin's wedding on September 26. And I have to say first of all, that I was probably more nervous at their wedding than my own! Especially when a punchy little kid was running around full speed, laughing hysterically and rolling around on the ground not more than five minutes before the ceremony started. He pulled it together and was a champ and did a great job. Bribing a child with Thomas the Tank Engine toys usually has that effect. Unfortunately, I was in the back and Matt was up front and I forgot to give him our camera before so he could do the video and take pics. These are from the "dress rehearsal" on Thursday night when we picked up his tux.

Rehearsal on Friday - he got to meet the two little flower girls and check out his pillow. He got a toy for doing a great job that day too (see the reinforcement strategy here?) Walk down aisle, get toy!

This is why I did not really get any good pictures of him before the ceremony...we were running around at top speed in the sacristy five minutes before the ceremony started!

(going home so Mom and Dad can enjoy the reception!)

In the end, he didn't want to be left out of getting to throw rose petals like the flower girls, so as we were getting him back to the pew, he grabbed the remaining petals on his boutonniere and threw them on the ground, leaving a lovely stem. The poor bout had already taken quite a beating during photos, so I was glad we were able to salvage it for the ceremony. Whew! Mom could then enjoy the reception...which she did! We had lots of fun and we were really honored that Eric and Katie included us in their special day - all the best to the two of you!

1 comment:

Jen said...

You're not the only one who bribes with Thomas Toys. urgh!