Disclaimer: I cannot take credit for coining that phrase, my brother-in-law came up with it and I must credit him for it. Thank you, Chris!
Meet Lincoln's new friend and Matt's 31st birthday present...Otto von Moritz Hennig. He's called Otto for short and we picked him up at the Heartland Humane Society in Ottumwa, a very nice no-kill shelter. He's about 1-2 years old, and 75 lbs. of gentle German Shepherd. Extremely well-behaved, smart, yet doesn't quite know what to think of stairs or his two new feline siblings.
To explain his name, Otto is Matt's great-grandfather's name and Moritz is my great-grandfather's name. We found out that German Shepherds (the fancy pure-bred show variety) are typically given a name with "von" (in English it means "from") in it to imply nobility. Well, we decided immediately to "classy up" Otto and give him a proper German name. I'm sure somewhere two fine old German great-grandfathers are rolling in their graves, with the knowledge that their progeny decided to honor them by naming their dog after them.
He arrived at the shelter by showing up on the shelter director's doorstep with another dog. Ads were run, people were inquired and while someone claimed the other dog, no one claimed Otto. We look forward to it as an opportunity to give him a good home and get a family companion as well.
I particularly will be getting used to having a dog, as I am a self-avowed cat person, one cat away from Cat Lady territory (Cat Lady should always be cat-i, I mean CAP-italized because it implies a known medical condition). The rule of thumb is that you can have two cats, with the argument that they keep each other company, but cross that line to three cats and you are on the Crazy Cat Lady Slippery Slope...I mean, what's 4, or 5 cats when you've passed 2?).
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