This kid. Every so often I take a picture of the kids and I'm just blown away by how perfect it turned out. This is one of those pictures. The composition, the background, and of course, the subject. The story behind it - we were at the mall to visit with the Easter bunny. We took our pictures with EB, then I noticed that the tropical plants made a nice background and attempted to try to get the kids to pose and take some nice photos while I had them dressed up. It was a small disaster, they were done and completely uninterested. In fact, Andy sat down on the ground and pouted, putting his head down and refusing to stand or listen. I was crouched down talking to him, holding my camera, when he lifted his head up. Bingo. I snapped the shot and knew right away when I looked at it that I had a great one. It more than made up for not getting any good group shots.
It seems fitting to use this photo to recognize his third birthday, on the third of April. And he's our third kid, the "anchor baby" as Matt likes to call him. He's such a joy and we feel very fortunate to have him round out our family. I can't imagine what our crazy, busy, noisy household would be like without him. His favorite thing to say right now is "You're the baby, not me!" when he feels like he is being picked on or mistreated by his other siblings. He's insistent on being a "big boy" and not a "baby". In fact, on occasion, he's called Matt or I a "baby" when we won't let him do something. Age three really marks that he's really leaving that baby-phase behind and fully transitioning into a little boy. Which leaves no more babies in this house.
And that's OK. I feel I've reached that point when I don't want to handle the day-to-day responsibilities that come with babies. I get exhausted just thinking about going through those stages again. I'll always treasure them, but man, it feels good to know there are no more diapers, no more baby food, no more nursing, no more worrying about the baby's soft spot, no more blowouts, no more high chairs, no more spit-ups, no more formula, no more bottles, no more terrible twos, no more sippy cups, no more baby carrying, no more pack-n-plays, no more stair gates (oh, who am I kidding, I never used those things anyway), no more monstrous strollers.
Now we really transition into enjoying these active, independent, (mostly) sweet kids as they continue to grow and learn, to play and explore. As they develop their unique personalities and traits. And with Easter and spring, it's only fitting as we note the end of one of life's phases, we joyfully welcome the next one awaiting us.